Donations will simply be about funding and not act as pre-sales of a particular project or product. This is because the mission of SupportMyService is to empower each member to build up the Church by putting forth the talent that God has blessed them with. Creators put forward their work, creativity, and ideas and Supporters put forward their financial help, their prayers, and their network. Together, projects get made and each person has a hand in edifying the Church. 

Making a donation towards SupportMyService or towards one of its projects happens solely as an act of generosity and responsibility to ensure these needed efforts come to fruition. 

Our dream, eventually, is to help fund individuals to serve the different needs of the Church. For now, we are solely funding products and resources that will edify the faithful of the Coptic Orthodox Church. 

SupportMyService was founded by two members of the Coptic Orthodox Church and its purpose is solely to edify and build up the Coptic Orthodox Church in the work that it does. Administratively, SupportMyService is managed by its Board of Trustees as well as its executive team. 

Yes. SupportMyService is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All donations made towards the organization or towards any of its projects are tax-exempt. You will automatically receive a receipt for each donation which may be used for your own tax filing purposes.  

The money that you put towards each project will be used to bring that project to completion. Before any project is taken on by SupportMyService, a detailed proposal must be submitted including an anticipated cost list which will determine the fundraising goal for each project. From the money collected for each project, 10% is taken by SupportMyService to help support the work that we do as an organization. Any money that is donated directly to SupportMyService will be used solely to further the mission and vision of the organization. 

A detailed financial report will be published each year and will be found here at We feel honored to be stewards of your contributions and will make every effort to ensure that every dollar is used to further the work we are doing as an organization. For more information, visit the “Terms & Conditions” located on any donation page.

How quickly a project is funded depends entirely on the generosity and engagement of the supporters.  Keeping this in mind, SupportMyService requires several things of creators in order to best prepare them for success in funding their projects.

When a creator submits a project proposal, we ask them for a detailed anticipated timeline for their project. We also ask that creators do their best to stick to this timeline while the project is live and gathering funds. Lastly, we ask that creators give consistent updates to their supporters throughout the entire lifetime of their project.

We hope that between the intention and determination of our creators and the generosity and enthusiasm of our supporters, each project at SupportMyService will meet its funding needs well before its anticipated timeline.

Certainly. The team at SupportMyService conducts a thorough review of each proposal submitted to us and will only accept projects that exceed our requirements and expectations. Our goal isn’t simply to fund projects but to also elevate the standard of ministry offered in the Church. Read more about our review process on the Creators Hub.

Creators submit a detailed list of financial needs in their project proposal. 

Upon approval, SupportMyService will add an additional 10% to the final amount, coming up with the fundraising goal for that project. This contribution to SupportMyService makes it possible for us to continue doing the work that we’re doing and is solely used to further the mission and vision of the organization.