What is SupportMyService?

SupportMyService is an initiative that works to support new ministry endeavors. Creators propose then produce projects that are made possible by faithful and generous supporters

Together, we work to glorify Christ and edify His Church.

Our mission is to empower people to build the Church by making ministry ideas a reality.

What motivates us?​



We believe in the creativity and passion of so many who wish to offer valuable service to God but don’t have the opportunity to make it a reality. 


Meeting Needs

We seek to support the creation of needed and innovative Orthodox resources that would benefit the faithful of the Coptic Orthodox Church.


Empowering Each Other

Most importantly, we seek to empower every member of the body of Christ to have a hand in building up the Church. 

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them

Romans 12:6

How Does it work?

Individuals submit a detailed proposal to SupportMyService for a project they wish to have funded. Projects must be original work, must serve a need, must be firmly Orthodox in content, and must be for the edification of the faithful of the Orthodox Church. 

We’ll review each proposal, making certain that it falls in line with the mission and vision of SupportMyService. Upon approval, creators receive their campaign page on which becomes their hub for gathering support for their project. Creators keep supporters informed and engaged by giving updates on the progress of the project and interacting with supporters’ questions and comments. Supporters back the projects financially, through their prayers, and through helping spread the word. 

Projects get funded. Quality ministry resources are produced. Everyone has a hand in growing the Church.