Your service, Supported

What are we looking for in potential projects?

In order to best fulfill the mission of SupportMyService, we’ve laid out some important criteria for projects that are taken on by SMS.

  • The ultimate goal of each project must be the edification of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
  • The project must be the original idea and work of the creator.
  • The project must fill an actual need. Part of the proposal process is making a case for the need for your ministry idea.
  • Each project must teach, exemplify, and flow from the Orthodox Christian tradition. Projects must rely on [mainly, if not solely] Orthodox sources.
  • Each creator must demonstrate that they have the qualifications to produce a quality final project.
  • Each project must submit a detailed proposal which can be found here.
  • Each creator must be 18 years old by the time of proposal submission.

The SupportMyService team will thoroughly evaluate each proposal that is submitted and make a decision to sponsor a project based on how well it fits with our mission and criteria.

What types of projects do we fund?

This is where you can be your most creative! 

We are open to any medium that fulfills SupportMyService’s mission and criteria for new projects.

Here are just a few ideas:


YouTube Channel









Have a dream ministry project?

John Saad

John Saad is the co-founder of SupportMyService. He came up with the idea after seeing that there were many people offering their talents in various capacities to the Church, but that there was not much visibility, organization, or support to help encourage these people in their ministry.

Having an extensive background in technology, he sought to design a platform to fill this gap. By the grace of God and the support of the entire team, SupportMyService was born. He hopes that one day this organization can pay people to serve the Church full time.

John has a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Tech in Computer Engineering and is currently finishing a Masters of Theological Studies from Agora University by writing his thesis. He works as a Cloud Architect and Automation Engineer and currently lives in Queens, New York with his wife, Veronia, and two daughters, Emmelia and Anastasia.